In this class we blend two styles of yoga into one practice. Yin and Yang are two relative qualities present in everything, like two sides of one coin. Yin cannot exist without Yang; Yang cannot exist without Yin.
This class will be an opportunity to explore and combine Yin and Yang elements creating a balanced practice. We will begin the class with Yin Yoga to calm the mind and experience stillness through passively holding poses to create a quiet space within to observe sensations, thoughts and feelings. From there we transition to the Yang part of the class where we are going to carry over this mindful way of practicing into a more dynamic sequence of standing poses.
The class will finish with an extended shavasana with sound healing accompanied by Tibetan singing bowls. Allow the body and mind to be emersed in healing frequencies to help the benefits of the class absorb into you. All levels welcome.
Contact Nat directly for more info and to book your place:
10:30 am -12 pm
Price: €15