Sound Bath
Sound Meditation
We have 2 teachers offering Sound healing in Our Space on Friday nights.
Sound Bath with Mandy fortnightly
Sound Meditation with Fiona monthly
More information on both classes and dates can be found below.
Some of the benefits of sound meditation include but are not limited to:
• Deep relaxation
• Helping with quality of sleep
• Reduce stress and anxiety
• Encourage a healthier system thus improving overall health
See contraindications below for sound baths. Always let your sound facilitator know if you have any implants, screws, artificial joints, inflamed joints and veins, inflammatory skin disorders, weeping eczema, diseased veins as they can not work near to this affected area.
Soma & Sound Immersion
Sound Meditation with Fiona
Fridays 7 - 8:30pm
First Friday of each month
€20 per session
This monthly session offers an opportunity to take some time for deep rest & journey in the immersion of Sound through your soma (body). We will take some time at the beginning connecting with your breath, your own inner sound & vibration in your body (soma) to awaken your senses. Giving the opportunity to listen with your entire body. Offering a restorative & therapeutic effect on your whole system. The vibrations of the instruments such as the Gong, crystal bowls, singing bowls, drum, chimes & other percussion instruments move deep into the tissues of the body & mind. Bringing you into deep relaxation and meditative state, helping to create changes or shifts in perspective & perhaps leaving you feeling well rested, tuned into yourself, more connected to life & open to greater possibility.
Pre-booking is essential.
Dates: 7th Feb, 7th March, 4th April
Any questions email Fiona below.
To sign up see booking link on website.
Candlelit Sound Bath with Mandy
Fridays 8 - 9:15pm
Relaxing Candlelit Sound Bath
with Mandy
This Sound Bath will bring deep states of relaxation, healing and awareness to your mind, body, heart and soul.
We use different instruments, including Himalayan singing bowls, Crystal bowls, Gongs, Drum, Chimes, Monolina, Ocean drum, Rain pole and human voice to create a landscape of sound that washes over you.
The instruments each offer unique healing frequencies and vibrations.
The beautiful sounds will be heard but also felt physically, which encourages deep feelings of balance, peace and calm.
This is a sacred sound journey for your mind and body. Guiding you to step away from your world for a while, so you can completely rest, heal and let go of stress and worry in a warm healing space.
An beautiful invitation for “You” to come home to your true self…
Some Benefits:
Stress reduction
Anxiety relief
Improved sleep
More clarity & focus
Physical healing
Spiritual awareness
Emotional release
Pre-Booking is essential.
Dates: (Fortnightly)
17th Jan, 31 Jan, 14 Feb, 28 Feb, 14 Mar, 28 Mar, 11 Apr, 25 Apr, 9 May, 23 May
For more information and to sign up contact Mandy:
087 610 5149
Sound healing is NOT suitable for anyone with the following issues:
any deep vein thrombosis in the leg or known thrombi.
open wounds.
acute inflammations and tumours.
pacemaker or defibrillator (can not be placed on or near the affected area).
a metallic implant (can not be placed on or near the affected area).
if you are post surgery (before the sutures have been removed and the scar is not fully healed and closed).
Please consult your doctor before first use:
People with carotid stenosis.
People with tinnitus.
People with cardiac pacemakers, artificial heart valves, or cardiac arrhythmias
People with a stent
People with a shunt
People with a deep brain stimulation device (DBS)
Pregnant women